cdemu theme engine(new! RPM for Red Hat 8.0)
- xfce-3.8.18D-intl.diff.gz
(10646 bytes) the same as fixes for 3.8.16 plus I've changed few
defaults in xfwmrc, so it's more like *NIX system now. Enjoy! For your
convenience here is modified spec: xfce-3.8.18.spec (5353 bytes)
- xfce-3.8.16D-intl.diff.gz
(10562 bytes) usual things plus no drainbramaged quirks with
automake. Also it no longer "assumes" that you are using iso8859-1 or
iso8859-15. Plus removed braindamaged-ms-like window title for xftree.
it's now convenient host:path, use da UNIX, Luke! Enjoy.
yes, and xfce.spec(5363) bytes
spec file, to help you build RPM file (you will need original source
(15969 bytes) usual set of fixes (see desc from 3.8.12b)
plus it compiles fine
without any problems on my RH 7.2 (super-AI never tries to run
automake -- and barf some error about undefined "iconv blah-blah"
-- after successful configure run).
- xfce-3.8.12bD.diff
(14807 bytes) Olivier has fixed the problem with ClickRaise
options (wich was always on), btw, exactly the same way how I did it
(see my patch for 3.8.12 below). Except this fix (which is already a part
of the main source tree), you will get the usual set of features:
nice "Exit" button, no annoying LEDs clock.
- xfce-3.8.12D.diff
(15655 bytes) the same subset of features as in the previous
patch plus fixed annoying bug when 'ClickRaise' is always on and
cannot be turned off.
- xfce-3.8.11D.diff
(15404 bytes) from now on I decided to change a version
since there are a lot of modifications. So now the version is X.Y.ZD.
The changes are the same: nice "Exit" button, no annoying LED
clock, no dependency on xsreensaver.
- xfce-3.8.9.diff
(11044 bytes, good for XFCE 3.8.10 too)
replaces "power" button, removes screensaver
dependency, and completely removes annoying blinking LEDs clock
(yes, it will completely remove corresponding code so
you will not waste your hard disk/RAM with the code you don't use)
- xfce-3.8.8b.diff
(4367 bytes)
will replace "power" button,
remove xsreensaver dependency from xfce.spec
and adjust xflock script
- xfce-3.8.7-exit.diff
(2838 bytes)
will replace "power" button only
You can donwload pixmap here

I took over most of the Delta's code, when he had to leave the country.
Unfortunately there is no way to get in touch with him right now, but feel
free to ask any questions. I know a lot about this code.